Golf Cart Winter StorageGolf Cart Winter Storage
Golf carts aren’t usually made to endure cold weather conditions. If you want your golf cart to work as well when you pull it out of storage in the spring as it did when you put it into storage, you’ll need to get it ready. Luckul, Cunningham Golf & Utility Vehicles has created this guide to winter golf cart storage.
Pre-Storage Maintenance
Start by giving your golf cart a good cleaning. Dirt left caked-on the surface of your cart can encourage corrosion and other forms of deterioration. Just make sure your cart has completely dried before you put it into storage! It’s also important to take care of your golf cart’s tires. Cold temperatures will cause the rubber in your tires to contract, so occasionally check that the tire pressure is still within the manufacturer recommended range. FInally, there’s the battery. Remove it and wash the tops and terminals using a mixture of one cup baking soda per one gallon of water. Allow the battery to completely dry before applying a battery terminal protector spray to the terminal connections. You’ll need to store the battery in a dry, temperature controlled palace. It also needs to be kept charged, so either connect it to a tender or recharge it every 60 to 90 days.
Gas Vs. Electric Golf Cart Storage
Gas golf carts and electric golf carts have different storage needs. In the case of a gas-powered golf cart, you’ll need to add fuel stabilizer to the tank and turn off the shutoff valve. This might be a good time to replace the air filter and spark plugs. If you’re an electric cart owner, find the tow switch and put it in “tow”. This will disable the regenerative braking system and take pressure off the battery pack.
A Storage Location
The ideal golf cart storage location is somewhere temperature-controlled and dry. Protection from wind, sun, and precipitation is also important.
For more on golf cart winterization or to shop our inventory of golf carts, visit Cunningham Golf & Utility Vehicles. Our dealerships are located in Louisville and Calvert City, Kentucky. We also offer rentals, parts ordering, and accessories.